Wednesday, February 24, 2010

In the Blogosphere: Want to Win US$1,500 GC?

Here at The Raving Readers, Silver is ecstatic because her pre-ordered book has arrived! She is even now tearing into it.

In other news, want to win a US$1,500 gift certificate to Fragments, an online jewelry store? Don't waste time, head to the Smart Bitches site now. The contest will run only until midnight Friday, February 26. Unfortunately, the contest is open only to entries from US and Canada. While you're there, read the comments. There are some touching stories there.

Harlequin is giving a 40% discount on certain featured Books on a Budget! Offer lasts until February 28, 1159pm EST.

J. Kaye is passing on her books. If you want to be updated on the books as they are listed on Good Reads Swap and/or Paperback Swap, sign up for this twitter account: For non-US residents, check if your country is eligible for the swap.

What do you think about pre-branding yourself as an author? Roni of Fiction Groupie has some thoughts on it based on a workshop she attended. If you ask me, I think it wouldn't hurt. At least, you'll have gotten your name out there, and when you finally sold that book, you would already have a following.

Mandi of Smexy Books has built a book boyfriend meme.



The Raving Reader Published @ 2014 by Ipietoon