Tuesday, August 4, 2009

1st Half 2009 Recommended Reads

My Recommended Reads:

Except for Silent Blade, I read the books below on faith, i.e. on the recommendations of other bloggers/reviewers, and I'm not sorry. All these books are fabulous!

The Spymaster's Lady - The author captivated me from the start by the clarity of her prose, her use of unexpected humor and her unique heroine.

Lord of the Fading Lands - What can I say? Strong, handsome men, beautiful women, a fairy-tale like ambience to the story, and magic! The start to a great series.

Silent Blade - Love the story, especially the twist toward the end.

Kushiel's Dart - Love the lush descriptions and the epic story and Phedre's and Joscelin's angsty romance, though some books in the series don't quite match up to this first book. However, the last book in the Kushiel series, Kushiel's Mercy, is a great finish to this series.

Other Worthy Reads:


Leontine said...

Hi Silver,
I so dig your recs :D I read The Spymaster's Lady last year and i remember Joanna Bourne and Sherry Thomas making headlines as the historical novels to read in 2008. Not a word too much about both of them IMO. CL Wilson, she rocks my world period. I won Silent Blade but still have to read it. Kushiel's Dart in on my shelves as well as Meljean Brook. Sharon Shinn is on my radar but I have not bought anything from her.

Will you be doing a review of Sharon Shinn's novel you are reading. Will wander around your blog and see if you've got any of previous read novels from her hands.


Mandi said...

Great rec's. Lord of Fading Lands one of my fav series:)

Silver said...

Thanks, Mandi! The Tairen Soul series is one of my best finds this year!

Silver said...

Hi Leontine, I've yet to read Sherry Thomas too! She's on my radar, and I've bought Delicious but haven't read it yet. Been wanting to buy Not Quite A Husband, but haven't been to the bookstore yet. Silent Blade makes me want to try other Ilona Andrews book. In fact, I've got Magic Strikes, which I'll read after Dark Time. Hehe...

Yes, I've done reviews on the first 3 books of Sharon Shinn's Twelve Houses series. Will be doing one on Reader and Raelynx after I'm done reading it. I heard that her Archangel series is good too, but I'll probably go read other books first before starting a new series of hers.


The Raving Reader Published @ 2014 by Ipietoon